Yoga Workshop
Making your practice stronger or softer
Sunday September 26th 12:30-15:00
Learn how to increase or decrease your physical Yoga (Asana) practise
Sometimes we need to sweat so we can relax.
Sometimes we need to slow down so we can become active again.
Yoga means to unify. For me it also means to FEEL. And in this day and age, many of us struggle at times with how this FEELING thing works again, as do I. In a world where life is rushing by and we (try to) run along, the act of FEELING can get a little lost in the doing, and creating, and thinking.
Have you ever caught yourself saying “I THINK I feel….” Or “I don’t KNOW how I feel…”
But feeling doesn’t happen in our heads, or with our thoughts. Feeling happens in our bodies, and with our hearts.
Do you know what your body needs? Can you adjust your Asana* (or physical Yoga) practice to those needs?
In your Asana practice you can focus on increasing your ability to FEEL! You can learn to FEEL if and how you need to adjust every Asana and every movement in such a way that it fits you, your whole being, in that moment.
Making a gentle practice stronger or a strong practice softer is super easy if you know HOW and that’s what you will learn in this 2.5 hour workshop. We’ll go through various poses and flows FEELING how we can strengthen and soften everything, according to our needs.
We start by moving through the SURYA NAMASKAR (the Sun Salutations) in two opposite ways. First we explore soft, small, gentle movements and gentle poses, then we go for stronger movements and stronger, more challenging expressions of the poses.
The same poses, the same flow, yet a totally different FEELING. We will also look at every pose and every transition separately to experience how to decrease or increase the intensity of every pose/transition.
We will experience how the warriors can be made softer or stronger and there is room for specific questions regarding your body, range of mation and anatomy. Together we will (try to) figure out what works for everyone in the room. We will discover how all of our bodies are different and how this influences our practice. You might finally learn why a certain pose is challenging for your body whilst other postures are super easy for you!
You can register for this workshop in our app by buying the right card. You invest €35,- for 2.5 hours packed with tools and aha-moments to connect deeper with your own body and your Asana Yoga practice.
I hope to see you there!
Hugs, Jasmijn
P.S. We only have 10 spots available, so please register in time!
* Asana means Pose or Posture in the ancient Sanskriet language
Taught by:
Jasmijn Madera
Date & time
Yoga Workshop
Sunday September 26th 12:30-15:00
€35,- p.p.
Yogacentrum Leidse Hout
English ánd Dutch
Deze Workshop reserveren?
Stap 1
Koop een €35 workshopticket in onze Webshop waarmee je een account aanmaakt
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Via je account boek je de workshop in het online rooster (of via onze app)
Stap 3